Should Me and My Boyfriend Enter an Open Relationship

I have been going out with my first ever boyfriend for eight months now and I really like if not love him. We both excel at maths and science subjects at A Level, both fancy each other like crazy and he used to be totally infatuated and committed and he first told me he 'i love you'...
A few months ago he split up with me and then we met at a rave a few weeks later and I in my drunkeness enticed him back and we saw each other the next two days and talked through things...
We have seen each other only about 10 times since and that was 2/3 months ago...
then he went on a trip away for two weeks and has been quite distant with me since he came back...
he finally came round the other day and I pushed again the question of returning to our former faceb status 'in relationship' where he revealed to me that he doesn't want to commit to me completely because we're too young ( both 17) and I'm going off to uni next year...
he has already kissed another girl who went on a sports trip organised by another party with him, though i can't imagine he's interested in a relationship with her because I wouldn't count her that attractive... and now says he's confused about whether to go out with me or her!?!
In my boredom I have also kissed other boys but just out of spite and loneliness not in a potential boyfriend way...
should I allow him to have the occasional kiss with other girls to save our relationship, or should I break it off with him once and for all, even though it would break my heart?

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